Renovation of Three Public Schools in Qaladize

Date: October 23, 2023

Assistance provided: Renovation of public school

Beneficiaries: 705

Project overview:

Located in Qaladize within the Independent Raparin Administration in the Kurdistan Region, the three public schools of Peshang, Brusk and Azadi serve 640 students and has 65 staff members operating across three different shifts. Despite being established in 1996, the school building faced numerous structural issues and poor building conditions.

Vision Education took the initiative to carry out a comprehensive renovation of the three schools. The renovation included the installation of floor tiles, caustic ceilings, the replacement of all doors and windows, and fresh coat of paint for the entire school building. Additionally, a football pitch was constructed, trees were planted, and the school courtyard was renovated.

To further enhance the learning environment, Vision Education equipped the schools with new furniture and other essential equipment, fostering a conducive environment for both academic and administrative activities.

The renovation project was successfully completed on October 23, 2023, marking a significant enhancement of the school’s infrastructure and facilities. With these updates and upgrades, the three schools now offer a more inviting and effective learning environment for all its students.


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